The purpose of this blog

Tim's musings on investing in the stock market

The purpose of this blog

First of all, if you are reading this, that means that you are signed up to my site, so thank you very much!

I wanted to let you all know about the reason I decided to do this blog in the first place, and it really is all about sharing my ideas of things that I have done in trading stocks, both good and bad. I want you to learn from my successes and failures.

I am the number one customer of this site, and I use it every day to help me analyze stocks and figure out what is the next stock that I want to buy. I also use it to find out if I should buy, when I should sell, and more. I will be adding more posts that describe the ways that I use this site so that you can get the maximum benefit out of it, just like I do.

My main purpose is to help you learn some useful techniques in order to be able to really take advantage of my stock lists. I hope you enjoy this site, and have good luck in your trading!