Do your own due diligence

Tim's musings on investing in the stock market

Do your own due diligence

Hi everybody, I wanted to get a quick message out to you all about the stocks that show up on my lists.

Just because they are on one of the lists does not mean that you should just blindly buy them! You need to research the stock, which is pretty easy to do on Yahoo Finance or your own broker's mobile application or web site. Find out if the company is really legit or if it looks like they have just been "cooking the books". What I mean by "cooking the books" is did something weird occur in the last quarter or fiscal year that artificially built up their income, such as a huge tax write-off, or a sale of one of their businesses. This can make it look like they are making a profit when in fact it may have been just a one-time anomaly.

Also, you really should look at the current price of the stock and see if they are trading in their normal range. If they are not, you need to find out why. There might be some recent news stories involving the company or what their latest announcements are. You really need to see if buying them makes sense for you and that you are comfortable with making the trade.

If, after doing all of your homework, you still find yourself convinced that you want to buy the stock, don't just pay the current market price for the stock. Instead, always place a limit order for the stock, that way you can buy it at the price that you want to buy it at.